Lorenza Beati

Curator of the U.S. National Tick Collection - Institute for Coastal Plain Science
Professor - Biology Department


Undergraduate projects

Recent work students helping in the lab and in the collection

Graduate students


I welcome undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning the practical and theoretical aspects of molecular systematics and evolution.

Students can become involved in any of my research projects. These include field work, curatorial activities, study of systematics based on morphology and molecular analyses.
In my molecular laboratory a motivated student can learn how to handle DNA (DNA extractions, purifications, PCR, SSCP, sequencing, microsatellite genotyping). Graduate students can also learn how to analyze the data collected in the laboratory for phylogenetic, phylogeographical, or population genetic studies.

In our field the ultimate goal of research is often to increase our chances of controlling disease transmitted by vectors – goal that can only be achieved if all biotic elements (arthropod vectors, hosts, and pathogens) involved in a disease transmission cycle are correctly characterized, identified, and classified according to the most advanced taxonomic methods. This is what I consider to be the main objective of my research.

If you are a GSU student interested in any of these aspects of research on vectors and vector-borne diseases, please contact me at the following number: (912) 478 0553 (or 5564) or send me an e-mail message at Email.